sherlock holmes once said that a rose is the perfect evidence of God's goodness: it isn't necessary for roses to exist on earth; the world would keep spinning, the seasons would pass, humans would survive. maybe it would throw off the eternal balance for aphids, i don't know (and mr. holmes didn't address it); but the rose is the running over, the excess, of His goodness.
here's my list (starting with roses): dirt, delicious vegetables and animals, my heart that beats, my eyes that see, people i love, cats, daffodils, truth that warms up my heart, color, ice cubes, ducks, pregnancy, snakes, hot showers, babies and children no matter who they belong to, dangling participles, my own babies and children and grandchildren, getting dirty, bees, work to do, jokes, rain, laundry, puns, the smell of bread, friends, (and the smell of friends).
actually, many of those things ARE necessary, and my list is obviously a partial list. Nevertheless, His goodness surrounds me everywhere. i just thought you might like to know that. leave me a comment with #1-5 on YOUR list.