i'm baa-aack

Friday, July 2, 2010

for those of you who didn't know i've been gone for a few weeks, poop to you. for the rest of you, you'll be glad to know that i am the proud owner of a new monitor for my computer and i'm back online.

only lisa had any questions about the fur in the toilet, so only she gets to watch the amazing video which explains the phenomenon and which i will post tomorrow when my IT guy gets back from vacation.

here is a mystery: my ducks' eggs were disappearing from the nest. you know, the fertilized eggs that they were setting on. also, my chickens had quit laying. there has not been a fresh egg on the place for two weeks.

here is the solution: my husband found a five-foot long black snake actually curled up in the ducks' nest. it was growing sleek and fat on MY BABY DUCKS and my eggs. crapezoid! i was just grateful that he ran for the shovel this time instead of my good serrated bread knife, which is what he attacked the beast with last time, about three or four months ago.

by the way, that man and i have been married 39 years, today.


Mary said...

Happy Anniversary? Are you saying that this is the same snake that was hanging around this time, and that Dad was unsuccessful in killing it with a bread knife? Or is this a new snake?

I tried calling you today -- no answer. What's up with that? I know you're home. Also, I'm not sure how I feel about being called your IT guy.

Mary said...

P.S. I meant to say, "Happy Anniversary!" The question mark was a typo; I'm not questioning anything about your marriage or your happiness in it.

Lois said...

Happy Anniversary!

Thanks for a great (too short) visit.

chris said...

i think it WAS the same snake. i like to think it was the same snake, and that we don't really have two snakes that size on our property.

thanks for the happy anniversary? and LOIS, thanks for the way too short visit. sara joy took a picture of deborah, but i don't think she'd like it. she took it from stomach level. when are you ever coming home????

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