
Monday, July 12, 2010

how do you like my new look? my daughter is a talented webpage designer, (my unbiased opinion), and i think some of you have her work on your blogs, too. i couldn't resist the apple blossoms. if you're interested in her doing some work for you, you can reach her at maryslastchance.blogspot.com.

do you ever think about bugs? i was thinking about bugs today as i was pulling bushels and bushels of weeds from my flower and herb garden. one reason i was thinking about them was that i had stood in fire ants and had to run for the hose to put out the fire, i was stung by a bumble bee that i accidentally tried to pick up (it was in a flower), and when my hands were totally covered in dirt, i was bitten/stung in two places by things i couldn't even see, but which left little marks on me. (this isn't really a good introduction to what i was going to say about bugs.)

c.s. lewis asked why we should quarrel with a creature just because it has more eyes or legs than we do. he said that he had been reading by a window and a leaf blew in onto his book. the color and shape made him think it was some sort of a hideous insect. when he saw that it was a leaf, the same colors and shapes that had been abhorrent before, now added to his delight in his admiration of the leaf.

i will be so proud of you if you don't scream like a little girl and run away every time you see a bug.

oh. and i killed a brown recluse spider today.

so where are my fibonacci poems?

that hard,
my readers
and friends. if i can
do it, surely you can. amen.


Christy said...

You Win
I will write
A Fibonacci
Poem because you think that I won't
See, I'm a rebel and like to do that sort of thing.

chris said...

excellent!!!!! good job. you are the top candidate (only candidate) for the prize.

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