sourdough briefly revisited: correction

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

i doubt anyone has tried my sourdough starter yet (o ye of little kitchen imagination), but i made a mistake. when you are ready to make your sourdough bread, take the starter out of the frig, let it come to room temperature, and then measure out what you need for the bread. THEN feed it.


Mary said...

You twice typed "started" instead of "starter." I've been thinking about making bread recently, but probably I'll start with the normal kind, not sourdough. Any suggestions about normal bread? Can I use my Kitchen-Aid?

chris said...

i always use my kitchen aid. but don't use a recipe out of the kitchen aid cookbook. it calls for only two minutes of kneading, and the bread isn't good. i knead as long as the recipe calls for, but i divide the time in half, do the first half of the time, then turn off the mixer and let it rest for a minute or two. then feel your mixer back where the motor is and make sure it's not hot (warm is okay). if it is, let it cool off until it's just warm. if it's not hot, do the other half of the kneading, just checking it from time to time to make sure it's not getting too hot. you don't want to burn out your motor. do you need a recipe?

chris said...

ha! figured out how to fix it.

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